For Parents/Partners

For Parents

Being a supportive parent is a huge resource to your child/teen. If your daughter has just told you she is pregnant, or your son has told you his girlfriend/partner is pregnant, you can offer love and support, and we can provide support and resources to have conversations and get accurate information for you both at no cost to them or you.

You may feel you need to have all the answers-but a huge step is being willing to listen and talk open and honestly with them.

We have professional licensed medical staff that can answer your questions - and theirs.

Services include pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, STD/STI services, and more.

For Partners

With your partner’s consent, we encourage men to join their partners for that initial visit to have your questions answered by a male staff member.

Listen. The power of a listening ear as she thinks, reads, researches and processes through all of this is so important.

Educate Yourself. There is a lot to know. Research and get information with her as she is looking at options so that you are educated as well.

Express Your Feelings. Be open and willing to share how you truly feel about her without pressuring her into any certain outcome.

YES! Hope Life Center offers Man to Man Mentoring which provides you with a 1:1 conversation to get all the information you need to be a strong support for your partner. 

We have trained male advocates that can answer your questions.