
Considering abortion pills or having a surgical abortion?

Licensed medical professionals are here to answer all of your questions in a safe, professional environment and get you the accurate information you need to make a decision. 

All services and appointments are provided at no cost to you

Medical Abortion

A medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill or chemical abortion, is a pregnancy termination process that involves taking two different drugs:  Mifepristone and Misoprostol.  The FDA has approved its use for up to the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.   Learn more:  https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/questions-and-answers-mifeprex


Surgical abortions are also called in-clinic abortions. There are 2 types of surgical abortion:

Aspiration abortion: It is performed on women up to 14 weeks after their last period.

  • Medicine given: pain medicine, which can include a numbing medication that is injected into the cervix.
  • Average clinic visit: 3-4 hours
  • Process: “Your doctor will first insert a speculum and examine your uterus. Your cervix will be stretched and opened with dilators either before or during the procedure. Your doctor will insert a tube through the cervix into the uterus, which is attached to a suction device. This will empty the uterus. Many women will feel mild to moderate cramping during this portion of the procedure. The cramping typically decreases after the tube is removed from the uterus.” Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/surgical-abortion#abortion-types

Dilation & Evacuation (D&E) Abortion: It is typically performed at 14 or 16 weeks or after.

  • Medicine given: pain medicine
  • Average clinic visit: 3-4 hours
  • Process: “This procedure starts the same way as an aspiration abortion, with the doctor applying pain medication, checking your uterus, and dilating your cervix. Like the aspiration abortion, the doctor inserts a tube attached to a suction machine to the uterus through the cervix and, combined with the other medical tools, it will gently empty the uterus. After the tube has been removed, your doctor will use a small, metal loop-shaped tool called a curette to remove any remaining tissue that is lining the uterus. This will ensure that the uterus is completely empty.” Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/surgical-abortion#abortion-types

Important questions to consider before taking abortion pills or scheduling a surgical abortion:

  • Am I really pregnant?
  • Have I ruled out ectopic pregnancy by having an ultrasound?
  • Have I been tested for STD’s?
  • Do I understand all potential risks involved?

No matter what you decide, it is important to get all the information on your pregnancy so you can determine the best choice for you. Early ultrasounds at Hope Life Center are administered by licensed medical professionals. We do not profit from any of your choices. 

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